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The Street beneath my feet day 3 and 4

The Street beneath my feet day 3 and 4

Our scheme of work is currently The Write Stuff, we are using the street beneath my feet as a non-fiction focus. Here are the ppts for day 3 and 4. Hopefully it will save someone else time
Reliable information-English task

Reliable information-English task

I used this power point to develop matching tasks to help children understand about deciding whether a text is reliable or not. There is a focus on making judgements, reading statements and proof before making decisions.
Farmer Boy comprehension task ch 5

Farmer Boy comprehension task ch 5

Questions generated from chapter 5 of Farmer Boy. There are 2 different tasks one aimed at children who require group discussion or a buddy and then a set of general comp questions.
Leaflet based on Hampton Court, London

Leaflet based on Hampton Court, London

Used for remote learning, instructions given for a task to persuade a tourist to visit Hampton Court Palace, linked to our Tudor topic. Checklist which can be adapted to suit learners needs. Picture from Google images of Hampton Court.
Macbeth KS2

Macbeth KS2

Struggling to find any KS2 tasks for teaching Macbeth, I created my own ‘Home Learning’ tasks based on the three witches and setting descriptions as well as play scripts. Hope this saves someone time!
Black History military based

Black History military based

This is a very simple power point with videos that will need checking before you share them with your class as they are very powerful. I have used this with a Y5/6 class during Black History month. Walter Tull and Sam King MBE are the 2 people mentioned in the powerpoint with fact files to support the teaching.
Identifying word classes

Identifying word classes

Can be cut up to use as a starter or activity to find your partner in class. Labels and word meanings to support understanding word classes and knowing the difference. Aimed at ks2
Pictures to support writing dialogue

Pictures to support writing dialogue

Here are pictures of children and characters showing different emotions through facial expressions. I have added the questions who? what? when? why? and how? to help children think of a conversation or dialogue between 2 or more people.
Lighthouse Keepers Lunch sentence starters

Lighthouse Keepers Lunch sentence starters

Aimed at Year 1/2 To support writing about the seagulls in the story The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. I used this to write a letter to the seagulls from Mr Grinling explaining why it’s unkind to steal food from the point of view of Mr and Mrs Grinling.
Lighthouse Keepers Lunch Seagull focus

Lighthouse Keepers Lunch Seagull focus

Aimed at Year 1/2. Used as a follow on task after reading the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch story. Photos and sentences from the pdf version of the story to support understanding/sequencing of the events involving the seagulls.
Mr Large in Charge

Mr Large in Charge

Very useful for a follow up task for the story Mr Large in Charge by Jill Murphy. I used this for a Year 1 class. Word mat with pictures from Google and sentence starters.
Resource pack for 5 Minutes Peace

Resource pack for 5 Minutes Peace

5 different resources to go alongside the book ‘Five Minutes Peace’ by Jill Murphy. There is a word mat with pictures to support, adjectives to describe the main character, images for writing about how much Mum does and why she might need five minutes peace. Finally there are key questions aimed at Year 2 for an oracy task but can support writing.
Newspaper report oracy activity

Newspaper report oracy activity

This was an observed lesson as part of my NQT year, which focused on oracy and drama to improve report writing. There are character badges, supportive advice to the actors/actresses as well as crime images from Google.
Instruction writing  challenges KS2

Instruction writing challenges KS2

After searching for a quick set of instruction style challenges for a literacy lesson in Year 5, i decided to create my own. They are differentiated but can be adapted for a mixed ability or mixed year class.